HELLO.  I'm Sherry Reichert, owner of Imagine Photography.  I've been in business about 9 years now.  Can you believe it?  9 years, wow time flies.  Since I started we have grown leaps and bounds in many ways.
Over the years, we've built an amazing state of the art studio and won several nationally recognized awards for senior and children's portraits.  

We've also grown into a family of 4, oh and a dog that thinks she's a person named Sophie.  So technically there are 5 of us.  What's the most amazing thing about owning a photography studio?  Growing with your community and watching all of the new babies come through my doors.  Families like ours, growing.  We have become a part of our town.  Documenting all the little lives of family.

1 comment:

  1. you have a beautiful family, sherry. i'm so happy for you!
    ~cathy lay
